U.S. Federal Statistical System-Wide Products
The U.S. Federal statistical system collaborates on development of several periodic and one-time reports, publications, presentations, and other products in an effort to promote understanding of its initiatives, priorities, budgets, and activities. Products on this page are grouped by the entity from which they are published.
Community News and Upcoming Events
Recent updates relevant to the U.S. Federal statistical system:
- On January 15, 2025, OMB published the Fiscal Year 2023 Statistical Programs of the U.S. Government report to the Congress outlining the budgets supporting Federal statistical activities. This report fulfills the responsibility of OMB to prepare a report on statistical program funding under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This report provides the Congress with a consolidated source for key budget and program information about the Federal Statistical System.
- On January 15, 2025, OMB released guidance to agencies on implementation of the Open, Public, Electronic, and Necessary (OPEN) Government Data Act, also known as Title II of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018. OMB Memorandum M-25-05, “Phase 2 Implementation of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018: Open Data Access and Management,” outlines a systematic approach to open data that will better facilitate data access, subject to appropriate safeguards for privacy, confidentiality, and security.
- On Thursday, January 2, 2025, StatsPolicy.gov became live on LinkedIn! It is hosted by the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy (ICSP) as a go-to destination for everything related to the U.S. Federal statistical system. Stay updated on community events, announcements, initiatives, program priorities, and more! Follow StatsPolicy.gov today.
- On December 20, 2024, OMB published a Federal Register Notice (FRN) for 60-day comment on an Environmental-Economic Accounting Classifications Interim Report. This FRN seeks public comment on the first draft guidance for building the set of classifications for environmental-economic accounting statistics. Comments can be submitted on regulations.gov under Docket ID: OMB-2024-0011.
- On December 20, 2024, OMB published a Federal Register Notice (FRN) for 60-day comment on a proposed update to the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). This FRN seeks public comment on potential revisions for the 2027 NAICS. Comments can be submitted on regulations.gov under Docket ID: USBC-2024-0032.
- On Friday, October 11, 2024, OMB released the Fundamental Responsibilities of Statistical Agencies and Units Final Rule. This final rule, known as the Trust Regulation, sets forth requirements for recognized statistical agencies and units to carry out their four fundamental responsibilities, as articulated in the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (Evidence Act). It also sets forth requirements for all other agencies to “enable, support, and facilitate” the recognized statistical agencies and units in carrying out their responsibilities. For more information, read the announcement from the U.S. Chief Statistician.
- Fiscal Year 2024 News
- Fiscal Year 2023 News
Office of Management and Budget and the U.S. Chief Statistician
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the U.S. Chief Statistician report on the priorities of the U.S. Federal statistical system and the budgets of statistical agencies, units, and programs through two key publicly available documents: 1) Chapters in the Analytical Perspectives (AP) volume of the President's Budget, and 2) Reports to the Congress on the Statistical Programs of the United States Government (Report). In some years, the U.S. Chief Statistician has contributed to other relevant AP chapters. Highlights of those most relevant to the U.S. Federal statistical system are included below.
These AP Chapters and Reports back to Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 are available below.
FY 2025:
- AP: Leveraging Federal Statistics to Strengthen Evidence-Based Decision-Making
- Statistical Officials Highlights and Achievements
- Report: Forthcoming
- AP: Leveraging Federal Statistics to Strengthen Evidence-Based Decision-Making
FY 2024:
- AP: Leveraging Federal Statistics to Strengthen Evidence-Based Decision-Making
- Report: Forthcoming
FY 2023:
- AP: Leveraging Federal Statistics to Strengthen Evidence-Based Decision-Making
FY 2021/2022:
- Report: Statistical Programs of the United States Government
FY 2019/2020:
- AP: Strengthening Federal Statistics
- AP: Building and Using Evidence to Improve Government Effectiveness
- Report: Statistical Programs of the United States Government
FY 2018:
- AP: Strengthening Federal Statistics
- AP: Building and Using Evidence to Improve Government Effectiveness
- Report: Statistical Programs of the United States Government
FY 2017:
- AP: Strengthening Federal Statistics
- AP: Building the Capacity to Produce and Use Evidence
- Report: Statistical Programs of the United States Government
As the leader and coordinator of the U.S. Federal statistical system, the U.S. Chief Statistician also leverages a variety of public engagement strategies to communicate with and hear directly from the public, including important stakeholders and communities, as well as to publicly share information on key initiatives, strategic priorities, and other important information about the U.S. Federal statistical system.
In addition to public briefings, meetings, and events, the U.S. Chief Statistician aims to transparently provide important information through public announcements.
In addition, the U.S. Chief Statistician is responsible for publishing the schedule of release dates for Principal Federal Economic Indicators each calendar year. This publication is posted no later than September 30th each year for the upcoming calendar year. Schedules for recent years back to 2017 are linked here: 2025 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017.
Interagency Council on Statistical Policy
The Interagency Council on Statistical Policy (ICSP), in its role advising and assisting the U.S. Chief Statistician on challenges and opportunities facing the U.S. Federal statistical system, produces reports and publications, as needed, to address such challenges and opportunities. Some example products include:
ICSP Products:
- 2023:
- 2022:
- 2021:
- 2018:
In addition, ICSP members engage with the public and important stakeholder bodies to communicate with and hear directly from the public, as well as to publicly share their perspectives on the work of the U.S. Federal statistical system.
Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology
The Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM), in its role advising and assisting the U.S. Chief Statistician and ICSP on technical challenges and opportunities facing the U.S. Federal statistical system, produces technical products, including reports and publications, as needed, to address such challenges and opportunities.
Products of the FCSM are available on the FCSM website.